Baoyan Park by X+Living is a domestic brand chain store in China and is popular with its diversity of entertainment facilities and recreational areas, which contains indoor water park, Sims city, restaurant, cinema, etc. However, when took on the commission, designer had found several issues within the park like wrong color matching and unreasonable lay out that are just the same as most of the indoor amusement parks. In order to solve these problems, the designer firstly worked on the overall planning of entertainment facilities and thus created a comprehensive park which integrates four main recreational areas and other auxiliary areas, with each entertainment facility at proper location. At the same time, it changes the consumers’ moving path and realizes the separation of dry area and wet area which is more convenient for the management and cleansing work. People are divided into two groups right after the entrance based on their choices to enter the water park or Sims city.
The water park has been built into a paradise through a lot of soft colors. In water park, there is a fierce water battle between the Mini Castle and the chariot through spouting water. Designers divide the water park into deep water area, water playing area and water pool, and create a lot of rest area using the form of castle and small pavilion. It is a friendly park for consumers to achieve transformation between play and rest rapidly. Some of decorations of ceiling also are water spray.
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