Roman Klonek, born in Kattowitz/Poland, has a spot for old fashioned cartoons and modern block printing styles. In the 90s…
Browsing Category Print
Crane by Collins
Crane has been making paper for over 250 years. Stephen Crane established the Crane paper business in 1770 and purchased…
Daniel Jensen: Current Events
by Bedow
Book design for Swedish artist Daniel Jensen by Stockholm based studio Bedow. The book — Current Events — was released…
Millers by Outline
Millers is a breakfast-all-day concept and retail store conceived by local F&B veterans, Nathan Thurston and Greg Johnsman. Inspired by…
vitaminwater Brandbook
by Collins
vitaminwater asked Collins to help them revitalize the brand with a new operating system, new strategy and visual language. To…
246 Queen
by Studio South
In 1960s Auckland, 246 Queen Street was a proud nexus of architectural vision, forward-looking fashion retail and urban sophistication. Now,…
pleased to meet
»The most interesting stories are often times the ones that life serves us through daily interactions. It is the basis…
Customized Direct Mailing: Made with love.
by EIGA Design
Made with love. Once a year EIGA customers and friends receive a very personal—because they’re all handmade—circular through their letterboxes….
Goldlink Magazine
by Spy Studio
Goldlink is the biannual alumni magazine for Goldsmiths, University of London. It is distributed to over 50,000 former students and…
Das Mundwerk
by WE & ME Design Studio
Ob vor dem 1. Date oder dem Zahnarztbesuch – auf die Tube gedrückt wird ständig. Der „Schlonz“ aus der Zahnpastatube…
Reset St. Pauli Kalender 2018
by Format Design
Für das Jahr 2018 wurde erneut Format Design beauftragt, den jährlichen Kalender der Hamburger Druckerei Reset St. Pauli zu realisieren….